札幌市中央区南1条西25丁目1-17 Maruyama S1ビル3F TEL.011-215-8188 【営業時間】9:00〜21:00 ※当日のご予約は19:00まで お問い合わせ




~ からだと靴の整体院~

Physical therapy for a back that is difficult to heal after a painful back injury.

50 female
Just one year ago, she suffered a severe back injury and was diagnosed with a lumbar disc herniation.She had been treated by orthopedic surgeons, but the pain kept recurring, and recently it was getting harder and harder to get rid of.
Main treatment contents
Deep breathing to improve the autonomic nervous system and correct shallow breathing that causes generalized muscle tension.
Muscle activity to promote relaxation of the neck, legs, and arms, which are under strong tension.
Neck pain and stimulation of the left shoulder muscle group.
Result and afterwards
Immediately after the physical therapy, the pain was gone. However, the same thing has happened in the past, and she is still worried that her back will hurt if she does something. However, the same thing has happened in the past, and the patient is still concerned that her back might hurt if she does something. Through the treatment, she felt that she was still in the habit of using all her movements in a way that made her joints tense.
 Although she had learned a great deal about her own body and self-care, she had not yet learned about her habit of straining and how to release it, so I explained and demonstrated how she could maintain a state of ease of use without straining rather than giving treatment. We explained and demonstrated how to maintain a state of ease of use without straining, rather than providing treatment.
If you feel that your body is stiff, please try to stiffen your body.
Those who feel this way tend to have a habit of using their body in a way that stiffens it.
Getting the hang of it may be difficult for some people, but roughly speaking
Joints that can be moved very slowly and consciously are in a state of self-control.
If you try to do so, but you end up straining and wobbling, then you are out of control and your reflexes are not working well,
 If a person tries to do so, but ends up straining and wobbling, he or she is out of control and may not be able to use the reflexes properly.
This can be a condition in which the joints are out of control and cannot be used properly in the reflexes.
When checking your own movement, first ask yourself, "Can I move the targeted joint slowly?
Check that part first.
If you have been suffering from back pain for a long time, please contact us.
~ Body and Shoes Physical Therapy Clinic~
Physio Wellness Maruyama


フィジオウェルネス マルヤマ

Maruyama S1ビル3F
営業時間9:00〜21:00 ※当日のご予約は19:00まで
定休日不定休  E-MAILinfo@physiowellness.jp