札幌市中央区南1条西25丁目1-17 Maruyama S1ビル3F TEL.011-215-8188 【営業時間】9:00〜21:00 ※当日のご予約は19:00まで お問い合わせ



Physical therapy for a Gehrig football player's sudden neck pain ギックリ首に整体を行ないました。











20 male


He came to the store because his neck had been hurting for several days and last night he had so much pain in his neck that it was hard for him to turn his head to the side and go to sleep. He is a Gaelic football player and was traveling Japan..


Main treatment contents
Deep breathing to improve the autonomic nervous system and correct shallow breathing that causes generalized muscle tension.
Adjustment of the arms (especially the left one), which put stress on the neck, and guidance on self-training.
Adjustment of the legs and hip joints, which are stopping the movement of the rib cage.


Result and afterwards
Immediately after the physical therapy, the range of motion of the neck, which could not rotate, increased and the patient was able to move relatively freely. However, it had worsened to the point that a sharp pain occurred yesterday, which we judged to be probably due to inflammation. We wanted to see how the patient progressed for two more visits, but he was traveling around Japan and it was difficult to visit the clinic again, so we decided to end the treatment this time.


We believe that even if it is a case of mistaken sleep, the pain is caused by an element of stress on the neck (we do not touch the neck during treatment). Even if the pain is acute (pain with tissue damage), a quick recovery can be expected by removing the surrounding stress elements.


Please consult us. 



フィジオウェルネス マルヤマ

Maruyama S1ビル3F
営業時間9:00〜21:00 ※当日のご予約は19:00まで
定休日不定休  E-MAILinfo@physiowellness.jp